Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The AK “Kaby’s Day Out”

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Largely recorded last year, the AK is out to make waves with his latest offering: the Kaby’s Day Out mixtape. “I have associated Kaby with the more playful/mischievous/satirical side of myself,” explained the MC recently in discussing the collection via email. But don’t be mistaken, by going lighter the Nashville MC is in no way coming soft; despite sounding far from the thuggish drawl of the Ca$hville community, Kaby’s 19 track release bridges a solid range of sounds, capturing everything from trunk-rattling bangers (“Get it All”) to throwback jams (“Thank God for Crime”).

While he’s definitely got some personal favorites in the set—citing “When Yellow Meets Red,” “Elephants Run When We’re Snoring,” “No Surprises” and “Who Did It” as the mixtape’s best tracks—the AK isn’t relaxing on his game any time soon, already looking ahead to a load of new projects for 2011. “In March, I’m releasing a mixtape called Stigmatic. That’s a really serious record. Much heavier than KDO. April 1 I’m releasing Fool’s Gold and in July I’m releasing Return of the Red Tape. So a lot is in the works. I also will be releasing a J Dilla Tribute EP with Jo’shua Odine.” In the short-term the MC just released a dark new track entitled “Hell I Been Through” with producer CutThroatKid and is also prepping a music video for KDO‘s “#Yikes5000.” The entire Kaby’s Day Out mixtape can be downloaded for free here or if you prefer to get a taste first, you can stream the mix over at DatPiff.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]