Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Evan Blocker “Reign Dance (Eyes Open)”

Published in Break on a Cloud, The Blog. Tags: , .

When I was first introduced to Evan Blocker‘s debut, Life’s in a Blur, I subconsciously slipped up and confused the young Nashville MC’s name with that of a pro-wrestler (Evan Bourne). Make no mistake though: his debut was memorable, and Blur stands as one of the better hip hop releases to come from the city last year.

Now the MC is back, intent on solidifying his name within the greater Nashville scene with his largely self-produced sophomore release, Its All Life. With the first taste from the forthcoming album, the teaser for “Reign Dance (Eyes Open)” continues the trend that Blocker started with Blur, tightly focusing his sharp-tongued style and representing the P.U.S.H. Productions crew nicely. Keep an ear to Blocker’s Soundcloud page as the countdown to Its All Life continues.

[This article first appeared on Break on a Cloud.]