Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Strikeforce: Fedor vs. Rogers: Emelianenko TKO’s Brett Rogers in round 2

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Brett Rodgers surprised many by making it out of the first round. But that surprise was short lived.

Landing the first punch of the fight, Rogers opened up Fedor Emelianenko‘s nose with a deep cut that would bleed heavily throughout the round. After tossing punches toward Emelianenko, Rodgers began to show some swagger in his step which was quickly answered as Emelianenko hit a single leg and took Rodgers down. After regaining an upright position the two went back down; Rodgers took the top position over Emelianenko on the ground, and reigned down with punches. As he’s done with in the past however, Emelianenko almost pulled an armbar, and the stronger Rogers wisely pulled away, the fighters ending the round on their feet.

The second round began with the crowd going back and forth between “Fedor” and “U.S.A.” chants, and after Emelianenko began swinging wildly, the two made their way to the center of the octagon. There, Emelianenko dropped a bomb on Rogers’ chin and knocked the previously undefeated fighter to the ground. Emelianenko quickly jumped on Rodgers and the referee quickly jumped in to stop the fight.

Fedor “The Last Emperor” Emelianenko def. Brett “The Grim” Rogers via TKO (strikes) at 1:48 of round 2.

[This article was originally published by]