Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Mogwai “Rano Pano” Video

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

The music video for Mogwai’s “Rano Pano” takes a slightly different approach than the group’s first clip from their forthcoming Sub Pop debut. Where the Antony Crook-directed clip for “How to Be a Werewolf” documented world champion syclist James Bowthorpe as he rode through the Norwegian countryside, the Tom Scholefield-directed video for “Rano Pano” captures a pair of friends’ attempt at getting drunk, watching Weird Science, and transporting themselves to another dimension. So yeah, slightly different.

The Guardian explains that Scholefield approached the video as an “homage to boyhood fantasies”; yup, heavy drinking + too much pizza + ’80s VHS cassettes + hatching plans that seem brilliant in the moment pretty much sums that statement up nicely. Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will will be released February 15.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]