Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

A Night in the Box Critics’ Pick

Published in City Pages, The Blog. Tags: , .

Echoing an intense, deep country blues, A Night in the Box has in a few short years gone from being a spare time project for a group of high-school friends to one of the most unique and soulful bands in the Twin Cities. Last year the group released its second studio album via Afternoon Records, Write a Letter. Songs such as “Rich Man’s Table” and “The Garden” hint at the band’s ability to stomp a hole though the floor with its dirty-water bluegrass and electric bottle-neck growl. But that’s just it—the album only hints at the band’s energy, when in fact it’s A Night in the Box’s live act that truly showcases the emotion and youthful enthusiasm that its members have for their songs. 21+.

[This critics’ pick was originally published by City Pages.]