Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Conan O’Brien to hit the road with Team Coco

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Team Coco

After being unceremoniously “let go” from The Tonight Show, Conan O’Brien is taking his act on the road for a tour that is sure to bring smiles to the faces of Coco-nites across North America.

“The Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour” will kick off roughly a month from now at the Hult Center For The Performing Arts in Eugene, Oregon, and land its only Alberta date at the River Cree Resort & Casino near Edmonton (which presently has a huge banner of Jay Leno‘s schmucky face on its “venue” page… the humor isn’t lost on me). From there, Coco and his sure-to-be-wildly-entertaining crew of non-NBC-trademarked characters will wind their way across North America before concluding the tour in Atlanta in June. If nothing else, O’Brien promises “A night of music, comedy, hugging, and the occasional awkward silence,” which sounds to absolutely nothing like The Tonight Show in it’s current state; which is most definitely a good thing in my books.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]