Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Yeasayer “Tightrope” (on The Current)

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Late last year when the band was last in town playing with Chairlift, Yeasayer recorded a studio session for Minnesota Public Radio’s the Current. Low and behold, one of the handful of songs they played during the recording, “Tightrope,” ends up the mammoth upcoming Dark Was The Night benefit album. Immediately that ugly word bias comes into play here because Yeasayer are one of my favorite bands to come along the past couple years–so it shouldn’t be any surprise that I think “Tightrope” is one of the best tracks from the collection. This session version offers a different taste than the final cut though, the whole thing sounding a little lighter, where the studio version sounds a little more full bodied with drummer Luke Fasano’s beats pulsating a little heavier in tune with the electronics that swirl all around it. While it’s a pleasure to hear the final product, it’s still a treat to look back on this version of the track and take in a bit of the process that goes into making such a fine piece of music.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]