Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Stream Bon Iver’s final concert (ever?)

Published in City Pages, The Blog. Tags: .

Bon Iver’s October 11 performance at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee may very well be the band’s last… well, at least “until next year, or something.” Justin Vernon, whose heart has continually beat with For Emma, Forever Ago running through his veins since its independent release in 2007, is putting the band on an indefinite hiatus as the musician takes a “well-deserved break from public performance.”

“Wrapping up a meteor is a difficult proposition” reads a message on the band’s site, and essentially that’s exactly what Vernon is doing. The past year–maybe the past two years, but the past year in particular–has seen an exponential increase in Bon Iver’s international success, the vast majority of which is based on Vernon’s efforts with Emma and the breakthrough of its lead single “Skinny Love.” And a least for now, even with Volcano Choir‘s debut release recently hitting store shelves, Vernon is calling it a day. [via Pitchfork]

Stream (or download, if you so choose) Bon Iver’s October 11 performance here.

[For those who are still craving something fresh from the band, Bon Iver’s collaboration with St. Vincent can now be heard on the New Moon soundtrack.]

[This post was originally published by City Pages.]