Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The Most Overrated Moments of 2008

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Best of 2008

#1) MGMT’s live show

I enjoyed the album well-enough, but the band’s show at The Entry back in February was horrible. Making matters worse, it was contrasted against the best Yeasayer set I’ve seen to date.

#2) Chump-ass feuds

Katy Perry feuding with Lily Allen, 50 Cent feuding with The Game, Amy Winehouse may or may not be feuding with Mark Ronson… I’ve got a feud for you, how about when Varg Vikernes fucking killed Mayhem’s Euronymous. Where’s that rank on the drama-scale? Grow up candy-asses.

#3) Ryan Adams

Every year my friends inevitably talk him up and every year I find myself back in the same place – completely underwhelmed by his “genius.”

#4) Classic hard rock bands that peaked in the 1980’s

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed Chinese Democracy, Black Ice and Death Magnetic. I don’t have too many harsh words for any of those albums, but they’re hardly the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Try teling a hardcore AC/DC fan that Angus Young’s use of the slide on “Rainy May Day” isn’t revolutionary… you’ll see what I mean. Good, but significantly overrated.

#5) Black Kids

I really dug their EP, and damned if I didn’t think they’d beat the blog-band rap… but turns out they’ve got some pretty weak chops afterall. But have no fear, black children – I’ve still got a lot of love for you.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]