Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

New Max & Igor Cavalera Project: Inflikted

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Former Sepultura drummer Igor Cavalera and his brother Max (Soulfly, ex-Sepultura) recently rectified their differences, speaking for the first time in roughly a decade. The brothers last recorded an album together on Sepultura’s 1996 album Roots, by most accounts one of the best metal albums of the decade. While Max was touring Europe recently he received a call from his brother, entirely out of the blue, and had since maintained the relationship, “we kept in touch and later on I told him I’d written some songs with him in mind and did he want to come over and play. They don’t fit anywhere else, not Soulfly, not Sepultura. It wasn’t like I was asking him to join Soulfly, it was something new and fresh. Like a new beginning of our lives.” (Metal Hammer)

Max continued in his Metal Hammer interview, noting the new project that he and his brother are working on and its influences. “It’s called Inflikted. It’s a real metal/punk thing. Anyone who knows Sepultura will know we were pioneering in terms of introducing metal fans to bands like Dead Kennedys, working with Jello Biafra before he did anything with anyone else in metal. I love metal but me and Igor also love hardcore and punk, so it’s coming from that mentality.”

The duo recently began a MySpace page which also named some additional members of Inflikted, Marc Rizzo (Soulfly/Ill Nino) on guitar and Joe Duplantier (Gojira) on bass.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]