Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

People, Places & Rhymes: Unknown Prophets

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Formed in 1997, the Unknown Prophets began as two MCs Big Jess and Mad Son, friends who went to school together in Northeast Minneapolis. A year later the duo added Willy Lose, one of the Cities’ best DJs, to the mix and in doing so completed the group’s lineup. With four albums, an EP, and three solo albums released to date the group has built a reputation for continually keeping busy on new material. Unknown Prophets’ 2000 debut, World Premier, initially earned the group attention in the hip hop community as it featured appearances by Slug and DJ Abilities but its latest, The Road Less Traveled, has earned them national notoriety for being one of the most prolific and proficient acts in the Midwest.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]