Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

An Atypical Traditionalist: Andra Suchy

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

There’s a rule of thumb that isn’t necessarily always true, but for those who have official biographies is often true: if said biography begins with a key to the pronunciation of your name you’ve probably lived a fairly interesting life. Like I said, not always but often true, and in the case of Andra Suchy (ann-drah soo-key) one can presume that statement to be fairly true. Furthering her journey through this world were her parents who traveled as folk musicians all throughout her adolescence which has to give my previous suggestion at least a hint of truth. Having outgrown her hometown of Mandan, North Dakota she moved to Minneapolis at the age of nineteen and she now carries on the performing tradition set forth for her. It’s amazing to hear someone take command of a room without hardly splitting their lips, but having seen Andra live I can attest to that very statement. The best part is that she seemingly does so without an overbearing aspiration to follow either her parent’s path or that of the typical modern female folk singer (which can be many things to many people, but in my life it has been Tegan & Sara before they added a band and, of course, Ani DiFranco).

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]