Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Jamie Morrison (of the Noisettes) Interview

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

The Noisettes are a band that have seen a sharp increase in popularity due to a brash bluesy sound that contrasts with a pounding fever of grrrl power and punk fury. With a laundry list of notable mentions including numerous pieces in NME the Noisettes have struck a chord with critics and audiences alike, which spurred an intensive touring schedule with the likes of Babyshambles, Bloc Party and the Mystery Jets. In this interview, drummer Jamie Morrison checks in on his Blackberry from a van in Spain to comment on breaking into the mainstream, unnecessary comparisons to bands such as the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and handling criticisms.

How has the band taken into account both the flood of acclaim along with a variety of criticisms when writing and recording the forthcoming studio album?

Jamie Morrison: That sort of input, good or bad, can really mess up the way you play and write music.

The Three Moods of The Noisettes EP has a sharp contrast between tracks like the smooth “Signs” and the darker “Burn,” though there is an ongoing seductive tone that is present throughout. What drives this sound and is it present in some of the band’s newer songs?

Jamie Morrison: What drives the sound is the feeling we get when we play, that can change from day to day. That’s why it’s exciting, it’s different every time. We must have felt quite seductive in the studio when making three moods. The record has a lot more to it, it’s seductive, angry, sad, happy silly and beautiful.

Aside from pieces in magazines such as NME and full-blown words of praise from artists such as the Bloc Party’s Matt Tong, what has been one of the key moments of exposure that has helped the band find success?

Jamie Morrison: Our first break came from Peter and Drew from Babyshambles. They gave us our first tour and that really changed everything. Then Kele from Bloc Party invited us to tour with them in America and that was huge for us as well. Motown picking us up was special too.

Inevitable parallels are typically made within music and whether it be a casual statement or a remark on the similarities in the physical make-up of the bands, the Noisettes have been strongly compared to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. What do you make of such comparisons and which band or bands do you most liken yourself to?

Jamie Morrison: It’s complete laziness that they compare us to them and I am sure it’s not a musical comparison. I don’t listen to those comments, it gets real boring. Whenever I have read something about another band being compared to Led Zeppelin or Sabbath I think brilliant! But when I check it out I am always disappointed; its too subjective to the person who’s writing it.

Will there be an accompanying tour in the fall?

Jamie Morrison: There are plenty of tours to come, you will be sick of us in a year.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]