Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Aesop Rock “ZZZ Top” Video

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New from director Pete Lee comes Aesop Rock’s video for “ZZZ Top,” full to the brim with kung fu theatrics and a killer (literally) storyline to boot. Though featuring the likes of Aes and Zumbi from Zion I, the storyline revolves around wushu master Hao Zhihua who, as the mighty Wu might say, ain’t nuthing ta… well, you know the rest. A member of the Beijing Wushu Team for a decade and a half, Hao is credited as one of China’s most accomplished athletes, medaling in over 80 national events and winning the National All-Around Champion wushu title on three separate occasions. Here, her talents speak for themselves.

[This article was first published by Seen Your Video.]