Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Best Twin Cities Albums of 2009

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , , .

Best Twin Cities Albums

#1) P.O.S Never Better
Innovative, challenging, and oh-so-fresh. Not only a prime candidate for TC album of the year, but a definite contender for hip hop album of the year. Period.

#2) Red Pens Reasons
The best rock duo to arise from the Twin Cities since Gay Witch Abortion, Red Pens’ songs offer a combination of ample riffage and furious distortion, curiously presented without a single hint of bullshit.

#3) Lookbook Wild at Heart
The most enjoyable ’80s pop album of 2009.

#4) Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapelles Special Party Time For Everybody
Equal parts buoyant and delicate, Special Party Time is a vast step toward capturing on record the breathtaking abilities of each of the band’s unique talents.

#5) Brother Ali Us
Chuck D. jumps in to hype and praise Brother Ali in the introduction of his own album, and things only get better from there.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]