Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Look Out David Caruso, There’s A New King of Miami

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Alright, I know what you’re thinking…enough with the CSI: Miami references, already, am I right? But for serious, Dave Hill’s upcoming series for the Mojo Network entitled The King of Miami is going to change some lives and I just wanted to give a few kind hearted souls the heads up. The premise: Dave changes lives (in Miami). The result: your life is changed. Don’t think it’s worth taking the time to watch? Don’t have access to the Mojo network? (call your local cable provider and request it NOW!)…well, Dave has taken the time to film what might be the most complete television show promotional music video in the history of television show music videos in order to persuade you (not that you need it) to check out the show. And for those out there who are familiar with Hill’s mindblowingly popular Citizen’s Upright Brigade Theater-hosted Dave Hill Explosion you’ll recognize Phil…who’s generally pretty great at doing what he does.

Also, for those of you who aren’t entirely familiar with Dave and would like a to go box of fun for the road, check out his latest video for Super Deluxe entitled “The Sheriff of Prospect Park.” (note: you may recognize Dave from his presence in Super Deluxe’s commercials that run during the widely popular Adult Swim shows on television’s Cartoon Network…see: below)

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]