Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Dropkick Murphys: Boston Red Sox World Series Celebration

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Dropkick Murphys Boston Red Sox

While fairly oblivious to most sports these days, I’m far from it in terms of Boston’s own Dropkick Murphys. Following the Red Sox’s series defining game 6 against the Cleveland Indians this past week I received a brilliant email reading the following, “The Red Sox win over Cleveland tonight means the series goes to game 7 at Fenway tomorrow. We got a phone call tonight from Red Sox management asking us to come down to Fenway to perform on the field before the game starts.” Are you kidding me?

I can only imagine that it went something like this….”Well gentlemen, we need a band to get our fans and our team jacked as hell before the game. A game that will not only define our season but mean millions in additional ticket sales, advertising payments and merchandise payoffs. And it’d help if they were local…” And so on and so forth…

Again, brilliant!

Dropkick Murphys Boston Red Sox

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]