Guiltmaker “Driven By Arms” EP Review
Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: Album Reviews, Music.
Guiltmaker is a band made up of former Florida-based hardcore bands and fall somewhere in between whatever is considered to be emo these days and indie rock. Shaun Drees and Dan Radde conceived the idea for the band and began work in 2004, eventually filling empty spots with former band-mates, and as for the band’s mission statement, “Guiltmaker was established with big hopes of delivering something noteworthy to today’s indie rock scene.”
The 4-song Driven By Arms utilizes the not-quite-screaming not-quite-singing style of vocals underlined by driving high guitars. Ultimately however the band lacks the depth that many contemporaries within the post-hardcore scene seem to have. Blending songs lyrically and musically can be effective if the theme offers something sensational, but in this case, unfortunately the band performs a played-out sound which might not exactly cut it as noteworthy in today’s indie rock scene.
[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]