Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Neo-Industrialism/Found Sound Part 1: Lasse Gjertsen

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Lasse Jertsen is a twenty two year old film maker from Larvik, Norway who, among his other talents, has found a way of splicing his own sampled notes into songs. What’s amazing about the final product isn’t simply the fact that he can do so, but accompanying the tracks are video recordings, which are also spliced together; all of which create a stunning compliment to Lasse’s wonderful talents. Why it’s found music: Lasse can neither play the piano or drums, nor can he beat box, but his abilities to compound his strengths with his ingenuity leaves his audience truly blessed having just witnessed a digital art virtuoso.

I suggest checking the videos out before any audio to fully understand the genius of what Lasse is doing. In addition to “Amateur” and “Hyperactive” please head over to Lasse’s MySpace site to check out some of the short films he has made.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]