Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The Map and the Territory Critics’ Pick

Published in City Pages, The Blog. Tags: , .

While the group’s self-assessment of “strange loops & the infinite regress” might be a little off the mark, it’s hard to dismiss the appeal of the atmospheric reach behind the Map and the Territory’s songs. The band has a gentle approach, characterized by the flowing cohesiveness between the rhythm section and Jeramy Cain’s lead guitar. A quick scan through the group’s songs lends perspective to this balance, though Cain’s guitar often sounds vibrant enough to overtake the vocals as the focal point on many of the combo’s tunes. The Map and the Territory will be one of four acts on the bill Thursday night at the Hexagon Bar, along with Hojas Rojas, Two Months to Live, and Inwood Radio. 21+.

[This critics’ pick was originally published by City Pages.]