Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Muja Messiah & Of Montreal Cover M.I.A.

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Last week I heard (live nonetheless) one of the first covers using a sample from M.I.A.’s brilliant Kala; that being from local Minneapolis MC’s Muja Messiah and M.anifest who take on “Paper Planes” with their own vibrant flow of street-theory. The track isn’t necessarily a cover in the typical sense, but rather follows more of a mix-tape pattern whereas the the MCs take the original beat and theme while creating their own story. On the other side of the coin in this situation is the comparatively low-fi cover of “Jimmy” adapted by Of Montreal. The track follows the typically effeminate sounding set details that the band historically puts into their music, adding a strange sense of mysticism to the already peculiar original.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]