Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: Canada, Music.
Accumulating a solid rock band from the ruins of a “lounge pop” band from Winnipeg might not always be as easy as it sounds, but Novillero seem to have done so without losing an ounce of their clever delivery. “Hypothesist,” a glossy garage rock number, outshines “Ceremony” slightly though both sound reminiscent of a scene rejuvenated. “Aptitude” reminds me of something along the lines of a seductive “Ben Folds-like sound” (but thankfully, lacking the actual “Ben Folds sound”). I must add that the hint of horn used in these tracks honestly wins me over; because when not ska-ing, and not done “right” their inclusion can sound dreadful. The band seems to have found solace in what could be deemed a moderate rock minimalist’s wall of sound, which they commendably pull off.
[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]