Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

InCureable: Roger O’Donnell

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

One time member of such bands as The Psychedelic Furs, Thompson Twins, Berlin and The Cure, Roger O’Donnell branches out further into abstract electronic with his solo debut The Truth In Me. It seems strange that after so many years through so many musical opportunities, O’Donnell now views that his truth is in fact unspoken word. Though his traditional role was through that of a keyboardist, which would then make for a smooth transition into electronica, it just seems different and strangely refreshing to hear something new from such a well traveled musician. “Not Without You” isn’t a groundbreaking track, but it’s nice to hear the freedom that such a could-be-jaded rock star (of sorts) takes in this realm.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]