Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Sam Keenan Critics’ Pick

Published in City Pages, The Blog. Tags: , .

Following a late-November date in Dubuque, Iowa, Minneapolis’s Sam Keenan is returning home to play the 331 Club Wednesday night. Since releasing All the Dark Colored Markers Went Dry (Draw Fire) this spring, Keenan has played a diverse selection of shows in support of the album, including this Summer’s Stone Arch Festival, Draw Fire Records’ CMJ showcase in New York, and the Zombie Pub Crawl on the West Bank in October. Keenan recently challenged himself to the daunting task of writing and recording a new song each day throughout the entire month of November–an mp3 and accompanying lyrics for each song are available via Keenan’s blog at, and those looking to hear more from this prolific, quirky indie rocker would do well to check it out. Offsetting Keenan’s unusual bounce will be the unassuming acoustic melodies of local singer Molly Dean. The innocence of her sound reflects something of a bluesy neo-crooner, a perfect sound and style for the acoustic Northeast club.

[This critics’ pick was originally published by City Pages.]