Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Soft Focus Feat. My Bloody Valentine’s Kevin Shields

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Weeks ago this episode of VBS’ Soft Focus crossed my trail and I was as enthusiastic about it as I watched it then as I am now as revisiting it. The first segment in particular branches out a bit as host Ian Svenonius and Kevin Sheilds bat about ideas far outside musical terms eventually balancing them within context of Shields’ now infamous band. One of the key points that Svenonius articulates surrounds our nature to define art by time, focusing on the term “record” in particular as a method to define the music in terms of the year it was released. That being said, Sheilds interjects with a statement about My Bloody Valentine’s classic 1991 album Loveless and suggests that it was timeless to him by the time it was eventually released because it was written a few years prior to its acceptance into popular culture. Timeless before its time.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]