Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Status Reign “The Chorus”

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Having been slowly releasing new material since early last year—February’s “Dedicated” and last summer’s “Tonight” being just two examples—Minneapolis MC and Background Noise Crew member Status Reign has now released his full-length debut album Brutally Honest. While the record retains certain likenesses to similarly focused artists from the Twin Cities it’s difficult to question the thoughtful presence that the MC holds down behind the mic. In addition to the two aforementioned tracks one of the album’s other standouts, which has subsequently also been floating around for nearly a year now, is “The Chorus.” The song’s production feels quite determined when working alongside the MC’s weighty tone, the head-bobber revolving around a story of betrayal and a polluted relationship. For more from Status Reign, the entire full-length is presently available via Bandcamp.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]