Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Post Punk Logistics: Twinkranes

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Forming in 2004 the trio of Twinkranes (aka T. Krane, The Rooster and Dr. Raymond Crane) spent its first two years together establishing the band’s musical focus and creating a number of visual pieces which would later accompany the group’s live performances in the form of an electronic slide show. After playing a list of scattered dates across both America and Europe the band recently released its “Being Kong” single which sounds much like a whispered commentary on updated post-punk logistics. The track’s guitar brings about indie delusions of what The Edge could have been if he hadn’t joined U2or stuck with that silly name (though he would have probably ended up that way no matter which path he followed). The b-side, “Witch Hunt,” delivers a synthly blessed track based with the vocals hinting at a muted Ian Brown (though my ears could be way off base with that one).

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]