Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Casting a Deep Shadow: Willard Grant Conspiracy

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Willard Grant Conspiracy is a group that has, over the course of course of ten years, released eleven albums of live and studio material – with Let It Roll being its latest. The band’s only permanent member and vocalist Robert Fisher sounds like a roots-Nick Cave with a voice deeply based in coffee and cigarettes. His words however, speak truer to making daily life work than to Cave’s songs of misery. Over the course of Willard Grant Conspiracy’s existence countless members have contributed either in the studio or on stage to the collective sound that reflects the group’s voice rather than simply that of Fisher’s. The group’s MySpace page currently allocates room in the group for twenty seven members, which despite the overwhelming statistic, doesn’t come across as heavy in the recording, but rather as gentle, lean and inviting.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]